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Best Fit Profile Min and Max Deviation points


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Lately I am running into the Min and Max being exactly the same no matter how I edit the Actual Element. This never happened in the past. This is on a surface patch to a best fit scenario (no datum system). Anyone else run into this, and what was the underlying issue? I am assuming its something I am doing and even though its possible, I just cannot believe it happening to multiple inspections on different parts that never happened before. Thank you. 


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If this is a deviation plot from a surface profile without any UZ-modifier and datum system then it is the expected behavior (at least if you are computing the min and max picker on the whole data without any sigma setting). If you adding a datum system min and max can differ but for surface profile without datum system they have to be identical. 


If this is a surface comparison then maybe the used alignment enforce this behavior but this hard to say without any deeper look.

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I completely understand what you are saying, but its new that they are exact. In the past it was never the case. If it helps the conversation, these are additive mfg parts. Not sure if that matters. Guess the better question is why were they not in the past. I will try to dig up more information on the creation and settings. Right now we are at the global settings that are set with the purchase. Thank you for your reply. 

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