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Updating Calypso on O-inspect Problems


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Hey Guys, I'm running into a bit of trouble with trying to get programs to run on newer versions of Calypso, specifically with the optics settings on the O-Inspects. I'm trying to get all the machines here updated to the same software for compatibility and easy transfers but during my first testing, I brought a part and program from a Calypso 2018 version to run on a Calypso 2021 version to see what the delta between the two would be but found that the optics part of the program wasn't running correctly as before. I looked into the feature's strategy and saw when I imported the program into the 2021 version, it reverted all the settings back to default. I.E.: I had a line set to "Rise" and "Decreasing" with a "manual" setting of 80, and it changed it all back to the default settings of "increasing and Decreasing" and Automatic gray scale. Is there some way to avoid this so I wont have to re-program every program that gets changed in the updates, and having to re-validate every program as well?
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I would instantly call Zeiss. SMA is that expensive, they should solve this problem.
We didn´t have any problems like that yet.

Just all probes are gone after an update. Zeiss service told me to rename the settings- folder and copy the old one. That worked for us.

c:\user\public\public documents\zeiss\calypso x.x\CONFIG

I don´t now if the path is correctly translated, but I think you know what I want to show 🙂
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Sorry for high jacking the post, but while you are on the subject of O-inspects, I'd like to ask you about an unrelated
O-inspect problem that I'm having. I have two 543's running the same program in different plants. I transferred the
program from our current O-inspect to the new one. The program runs fine, up to the point where the Dotscan
measures a 2d curve.

The curve scans a plane in an "S" shape. Part of that "S" curve falls off the surface. On the current machine it
scans just fine. On the new machine it was transferred to, it stops (red-light) when the scan falls off the surface.
I'm pretty sure this can be solved with one simple setting. Whatever that setting is, it didn't hold from the transfer.
Any ideas?
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