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Clearance plane issue


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I'm writing a program off-line. I have multiple features that are close to one another so I'm using CP & SCP to keep the stylus in the same area where these features are. (To save time). When I run the program, I keep getting the attached warning. If I change all the CP/SCP's to Z+ the error message goes away. No edges are blocked.
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Did you flip you CAD model in your program (for your base alignment maybe ?)

Try to run your base alignment manually (even in offline).

I had the same problem when I flip the BA in the program (instead of translating/rotating my CAD).

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If you go to plan, navigation, blocked edges and see it's flipped, then the alignment is flipped. This is usually caused by 3D line in the planar rotation (holes taken right to left instead of left to right etc) of the alignment or a flipped space axis of a feature.
To fix:
Go to resources, scan all the way down to utilities and then all the way to the bottom and select "set base alignment to zero" before running a manual base alignment or reconfiguring the base.
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