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Calibration program - define reference sphere location


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I'm trying to setup a new calibration program for our Contura and I'm struggling a bit to make it easy for our operators to run. We'll be using a bunch of different angles and probe lengths so I'm locating our reference sphere in the middle of the table and moving it after the calibration cycle is complete. I've figured out how to make a requalification program, and I know how to "Set reference sphere position", but I can't figure out how to have calypso automatically prompt the operator to take a point on the top of the sphere and re-establish the reference sphere position prior to running the rest of the calibration. Is there a way to do that? How do you all handle your automatic calibration programs?

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I think programs are working all the same.

You have to put reference sphere at same spot as it was in programming stage ( same as part in normal measuring program ).
Then if you are moving reference sphere, then you have to do manually find reference sphere like you do with manual calibration.

After that you can run and calibrate with your program.

Thats how i think it should be. Many here don't move sphere, so they just run program and not finding reference sphere with reference probe.
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Ok so the only option is really to manually find the sphere each time if I have to move it. At least I won't keep wasting time looking for that button!

Thank you!
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you can also trick the system 🙂

in your pre-setting, send the master probe to the position you would like reference sphere to be.

add a operator message " adjust sphere under the Probe"

basically your operator get a chance to re-adjust the sphere to where it originally was

message("Adjust Ref Sphere Under Probe")

your x and y in above line should be ref sphere in mcs and z 20mm above sphere

this will send master probe to where you expect the sphere to be and will stop until operator adjusted and pressed ok
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Some of the "purist" out there will disagree and that's ok, but for some people with the right environment, this works well.

Operator loads the reference sphere in the same general location and qualification program runs MasterProbe first, followed by other stylus systems. You won't need to do an actual "Ref Sphere Position" as Calypso remembers the last location that it was done at.

ref sphere on pallet_sm.jpg

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So basically you want to do it the PCD way.
In PCD when you hit go on the calibration program, the first thing it does is tell you to take a point on top of the cal sphere.
But PCD doesn't utilize a Master Styli, so their method of calibration in my opinion isn't as good as Calypso.
Without a Master, it never really knows where the head is, just the ball. and that might not seem like much but i never really was crazy about PCD when it came to measuring with multiple probes and angles.
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