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Subclearence plane


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I am having an problem using subclearence planes.
When I add the subclearence plane to my features it travels directly from the clearence and to the net circle, so it crashes in to the plane as it can be seen on the right.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?
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So the right or bottom stylus is colliding with the plane?
Have you tried using a different stylus system that doesn't crash or increasing your retract distance?
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I see you're using Retract to Inner Plane so it seems odd this is happening. What is the formula doing?

What are your clearance distance values? Have you altered the move behavior settings? Are using any position points?

Another way to approach this is to use a standard sub-clearance plane without the retract to inner plane setting and set the clearance distance of each circle to a value that will come out of the hole far enough to clear the plane. In other words, travel from the clearance distance of current feature to clearance distance of the next feature.

Screenshot 2023-04-27 112146.jpg

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It is the stylus in Z direction. Changing the stylus system does no difference.

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The formula is the plane that holes are on+2. I have triede changing different settings but what happens no matter what, is that is is travelling directly to the circle and not to 2mm above the clearence plane.
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Try something like 5.0 for your clearance distances on like holes, but I agree it shouldn't need it with the Retract...

For some reason, I don't think the Retract to Inner Plane is working correctly. It's acting like it's not holding the Z value.

I don't know if it matters but whenever I need to create a SCP with a Retract to Inner Plane, I create a new SCP instead of modifying one of the defaults. And, I enter a hard number for the value.

Curious about the 0.000 Retract Distance. Is that intentional?
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That is really bad.
How about programs made in older versions and the executed through Auto-run in the newest version?
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Install the latest Service Pack for your version of CALYPSO (7.4.08 or higher). This bug was identified and resolved. Noted in Release Notes;

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