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For Local Versioning, are the fields "Revision" and "Comment" from the revision history accessable as variables?


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I'm trying to get my programs locked down. While signing plans is all fine and dandy, my drawing revisions each get saved as a separate program. There's no way to stop someone from opening up the REV A version of a program when REV B exists. If I make my programs controlled by local versioning (with one file containing REV A, B, etc.), I can acheive what I'm looking for. The problem I'm trying to solve is how to display the local versioning revision and commit comments. Are there variables in PiWeb that convey these values?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Greg

Unfortunately to get the loaded Git version ( Local revisioning is done by Git ) visible in PiWeb works ONLY if you load a version of a program. It´s NOT working if you open simply the working copy. And be allways aware, that you will overwrite the working copy if you download a version from git! If you use no versioning, CALYPSo simply load the current content of the working directory.

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