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Oh joy. fun error messages - cannot output reports


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Has anyone seen something like this before. Calypso won't output reports into PiWeb, and the following error messages pop up. Actual values and measured points save just fine, but there are no reporting capabilities.

. 4532_2b9877fa3168cd4d18502e6808638e09.png
. 4532_17cba9be572df696aa5794fb1d8d7962.png
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It might be the Zeiss PDF printer (or novaPDF). Try sending the results to printer and setup the printer to be a different PDF creator like Microsoft print to PDF. If that works then novaPDF might be the problem. I think it requires a license so that might be the issue and I think there have been issues with a driver or something getting corrupted. This link might help too: https://portal.zeiss.com/knowledge-base?id=402098
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You were exactly right. I just reinstalled the Zeiss printer, and now things are good to go. Thank you very much.

FYI, in case some lost soul wanders upon this post in the future with the same problem: The "repair" option in the Zeiss Calypso installer does not solve the problem in this case (although it does for other issues). The Zeiss printer is a separate program that normally installs during new Calypso installs. You can find this installer in the .zip folder from the Zeiss portal that downloads with Calypso. It may also be tucked away in: C:\Program Files (x86)\ZEISS\CALYPSO x.x\tools\ZeissPdfInstall.vbe
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