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True Position Callout


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Any ideas on how I would setup this alignment for the true position callout on this view? Datum A and D are both planes on the bottom of the part. I don't remember ever seeing this kind of datum setup before.


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Datum A and D already constrained the 5 degree of freedom and datum B constrain translation along y axis, but what datum C is doing here??
If datum B is a feature of size you can use MMB, but you have to use geometry best fit alignment for A and D. So using MMB on datum B is might be a hard nut to crack... 😭
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I may be wrong (not much experience yet), but could you check Position using RPS Alignment (Using points against A-D's surface as datum pts)? For those without Curve/Freeform.
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In my knowledge, this is not a scenario of RPS alignment..
Curve and freeform surface are not must for this puzzle.
I would go with GBFA...
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Datum D is a "secondary loading plane" which implies datum A is the primary.

I would try...

XYZ are going to be datums ABC according to the setup.
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