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How to increase size of comment section in PiWeb reports


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How can I increase the size of the comment section for characteristics in PiWeb?
As of now, it will show a single line, and if the line is too long, it gets cut off.
I would like a minimum of two lines for comments.
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You expand the window in the PiWeb editor. However, if you're looking at the Standard Protocol, you'll need to either expand the header window, or delete some fields above the comment fields, then move the comment fields up and then expand the box.

Maybe you might want to attend the PiWeb training put on by Laura Jaschke on Wednesday. Can't promise she'll cover your specific question. I'll share the invite when it get's emailed out.

I've attached a link to a youtube video from week 1. To save some time, she discusses how to adjust the header box at around 1:30:00. Of course, you'll need to see some earlier stuff to get to that point.

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