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Disappearing Holder Locations


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Hey Guys, I need some information or some clarity to find out if the problem is with the Calypso software, or I have some operators that don't want to speak the whole truth.

So, the problem I am having is on our O-Inspect 322, that has a ProMax 5+1 Sensor Rack, has been lately "forgetting" the holder locations. After a weekend shift, I came in and in the Auto Probe Change menu, it showed not a single holder location. I was able to get them all back, and when the weekend shift was asked, "it was like that when they got there." excuse. It happened again today, but this time it only lost the 2nd half, the last three positions, in the 5+1 probe rack configurations.

My concern is if its happening because the operators are by accident physically hitting the Promax, Probe Rack, or who knows and my cause more permanent harm to the O-inspect that would just require more training for them, rather than just a software issue.

Is/has anyone else experienced this or do I need to install a camera pointed directly at the O-inspect? Granted at my last job, I have never had this happen on either the Contura nor the O-inspect in 7 years.
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I asked myself the same when I went through all our rack assignments recently to sort out obsolete ones. Most of them were ok, but too many of them were partly or completely empty (that is, the holders were masked). I have no idea how this happened, but I don't think it was an (untrained) operator, as it would immediately fall back on them, being unable to measure their parts. And I can't recall any operator ever asking me to unmask hidden holders.
All the empty assignments belonged to old or unused programs, so maybe it happened during a Calypso update / data migration in the past.
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We haven't updated our Calypso software and it happened when using a program currently still being used. I wasn't aware you could "hide" holder assignments. How would you unhide them?
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You don't hide the whole assignment, but single holders one by one. It's in the menu on the lower left of the dialog. But if you hide a holder, the stylus it contained will disappear, so when you unhide it, it'll be empty.
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