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Alignment disoriented


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I manually aligned my part and when it goes into cnc mode the probe is moving away from the part instead of probing it.
The XYZ origin is the center of the hole as I marked it, Calypso sees it but in run mode it cannot find the part.
Can anyone tell me what I am missing here?


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You probably should be using a 3d line, if you're recalling the 2 circles. Not sure if that would be the cause of your problem though.

Also, following behind Shabu's question. Did you force the X+ direction in the Planar rotation or did it populate at +X on its' own?

When doing manual alignment, make sure to follow the sequence the way Calypso wants you to. If you did the 2 circles in the wrong order, it might have rotated your alignment 180°

Your part looks like the USA after the big climate change.
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Originally I used the back wall for Planar alignment but I changed it when it didn't work, created the 2D line between the two holes,
and now I changed it to a 3D line, and still does the same, moving away from the part instead of probing it.
The +X was populated by Calypso, and followed the order of pick ups to the T...to no avail
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First I thought the top surface strategy was bad, I checked it and found nothing wrong (???), then I tried to execute other features but the probe moves away from the part no matter which feature I try to probe,
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I am still puzzled why Calypso assigned a +X to the planar feature, I think it should be +Y, tried that too, but that changes the origin orientation / rotates the part, so I am out of ideas
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The direction of the line is based on the selection order of the 2 circles used to create the 3d line. If you select the left circle, then the right circle, the space axis will be +X and vice versa.

Can you post a screen shot of the TOP plane, showing strategy on CAD model?
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I lied. One more request. Open BA and click Execute Manual Alignment button at lower right corner. Perform manual alignment. Close BA window.

Open TOP plane, right click in CAD window and select Show Actuals. If the green arrows are not on the CAD model, your BA is probably corrupt and you may have to start over with a new program.
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This is what I told him, l have faced this same problem today, i used a point for Z zero, that point goes 20 mm down in cnc mode. When I change that point to manual mode got good results, when change to cnc again collusion.. wonder...
Finally i created new program,now everything fine.
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Now it is more clear, so your points off from the model.

Are you using correct tip number?? Just for clarification..
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Zoom way out. You'll probably see them elsewhere. This usually indicates that you'll need to create a new base alignment with new features. If you were just starting your program, I'd probably start over from the beginning.
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This program was done a month ago, and it actually ran, not sure why it isn't running now, could just be corrupted, but I rarely blame the system, usually think that I did something wrong, like my old instructor in computer technology class said: remember! computers do not make mistakes, but people do !!
So I always look for my own mistake first. But I may have to start over this time
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