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Outputting deviation data in a table - GOM Inspect


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I am looking to produce a table that shows how many points on a surface comparison sit within my tolerance bands. (Example table below)

- How can I extract the necessary data from a surface comparison to complete this table

- Is there a fast way of doing so which can create a table like this automatically based on the tolerance bands in my colour legend. 

Range (mm)   # Points   %
Lower Upper    
-2 -1.5   403   0.05%
-1.5 -1   1302   0.15%
-1 -0.5   29172   3.40%
-0.5 0.5   789203   91.87%
0.5 1   35390   4.12%
1 1.5   2049   0.24%
1.5 2   670   0.08%
Out of Range   887   0.10%
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Hi Nanno, 

Thanks for your help. That is very helpful and will allow me to perform the checks we need. Is there is a way I can create a similar table based on the 'GOM 8 Colour' legend instead of the tolerance legend? The GOM 8 colour is just a bit easier to work with and create bands for, and displays it in a more suitable way. 



image.thumb.png.c0256230bb36a80f952acc5eae7ac905.png              image.thumb.png.f995064318174f0da7669f772c500d24.png

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Hello Caleb,

there is a keyword, which will work with the GOM 8 Colour template. You can edit the label and insert it with the "Fx" button:




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Hi John,

you could create a user defined check on the surface comparison to output the values as checks. They can be exported and appear in the table.


The statistic values are under "distance statistics"


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