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Super easy Calypso 101 Question part 3


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Measurement Plan Editor > Travel > Speed
Where is the default setting for this Speed?
Speed inside the Clearance cube.
My offline seat has a default of 300, the online seat has a default of 480, so i know there must be a place to change it
Since most of my programs are 1 time runners, possibly 1 piece orders, I'm not worried about speed & efficiency. i just don't like having to go into Feature Settings Editor and change this setting every time i add something to my program. I generally run at 30.

Also, wheres my default for Retract distance?

Since none of you guys wanted to play ball, I'm getting a PCDmis programmer next month (I stole my old boss from my last job).
I'd like to get stuff leveled out between seats as much as possible, she has limited knowledge of Calypso, so I'm going to pretty much have to start from Zero.

Ooh, and speed of freeform scan. The default is 3mm/s, which is painfully slow, and there's no quick way to change it in a FF with several individual scans.


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If the default is reading 300 offline and 480 online, it sounds like it may just be pulling max speed for the machine tab, but I am not certain of that. What I do know is that any feature that is set to "Default" that is in a group, you can change the "default" by changing what the group is set to(see screenshots for more clarity).2915_56ca511001dccea157af21dfe06f726c.jpg
This works for pretty every parameter I tested, so may be an easy way of handling it, put everything in one group and then one change adjusts all defaults for that program. With regards to unifying between 2 programmers, it may be a good idea too use the "Save/Load Defaults" under "Resources" to create a set of default strategies to apply when creating new features, and use the same setup on both seats? These aren't exactly the answers you were shooting for, but hopefully they help somewhat.
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Exactly. And as for speed, if you don't set your own default under "Measurement Plan" and don't restrict max speed in the CNC run dialog, it uses the max speed from the machine parameters (controller). This will change dynamically depending on which machine/seat it's running.
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"The speed set in the Start Measurement / Measurement Plan Definition window will, however, not be exceeded" per the Online Help. We have it set pretty slow at the Run screen, so we don't usually set it at the feature level. It seems like we are just as likely to crash into something outside the clearance cube as inside.

We use a template so that each programmer starts a program with the same defaults, including this feature speed. I think I started that up after seeing the idea on here. When there were standard things to remember to set up for each new program, there were a lot of opportunities to mess up. I find plenty of opportunities to screw things up anyway, but this eliminated a few of them...
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Roberto, congrats on getting someone to suffer with you ! (An old boss, That's even BETTER) 🤣 🤣
I had trouble setting speeds for individual operations and features. It would only change the whole group. After some tinkering, I tried turning off PiWeb. That did the trick, I could change speeds on individual features! Then, after setting everything the way I liked it, I turned it back on and the changes stayed put. Not sure if that's Exactly what you were looking for but hey, give it a shot.
Good luck!
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Yeah, she taught me PCD at my last job because we had 5 Brown and Sharpe machines and i taught her how to do some things on the Zeiss (editing points and such) but basically just set her and my Operator to be proficient operators.
Now, i already stole the operator from my last job, now im stealing the only other programmer they have had in the past 15-18 years.
So if they are smart they will double her pay + let her work from home a couple days a week, otherwise she's coming with me.
2 weeks is a lot of time..

Anyhow, so the last step in all my programs is to open feature settings editor and make sure
Clearance Group
Stylus System
are all where i want them. Its gives me the reassurance that i can start a new program (running slow) and walk away from it fairly sure that its going to run thru.

I just was looking to be able to skip editing my speed and retract (also Free Form scan speeds) as those seem to be the easiest to make default take care of.
Its not a big part of my day, but on days where i turn out 4 new programs any little bit will help.
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