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PCM from off-line to live machine


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I recently wrote a family of parts program with PCM on my off-line seat (Version 7.0.02, ServicePack 1). Transferred it to a live machine (same version, but without PCM), ran fine. Wrote another one today off-line and that one won't run on the live machine. I get "Option PCM not available". Any ideas?
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It may depend on which PCM commands you were using and where. Many commands work with and without PCM, but a few require the option, as do external PCM files. I'm not sure about code in the parameter windows. I never tried if they still run with the option turned off.
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The only difference between the two programs is the one that worked used this

Run=inquireList("Which mini-plan do you wish to run?","Operation-10","Operation-20")

if Run=="Operation-10","Operation-20" then setRunID(Run)


The one that didn't work used this;

Part_Number = inquireList("Which part number are you inspecting?","118675","118676","118677","118678","118679")
selectCase Part_Number
case "118675"
readPCMFile(dir + "\118675 Op-10.PARA")
loadCADFile(dir+"\118675 - Turn-Blank.sab")

case "118676"
readPCMFile(dir + "\118676 Op-10.PARA")
loadCADFile(dir+"\118676 - Turn-Blank.sab")

case "118677"
readPCMFile(dir + "\118677 Op-10.PARA")
loadCADFile(dir+"\118677 - Turn-Blank.sab")

case "118678"
readPCMFile(dir + "\118678 Op-10.PARA")
loadCADFile(dir+"\118678 - Turn-Blank.sab")

case "118679"
readPCMFile(dir + "\118679 Op-10.PARA")
loadCADFile(dir+"\118679 - Turn-Blank.sab")

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The program that works on the live machine also uses readPCMFile, same as
the one that gives me the "Option PCM not available". I just omitted it in the post.
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Well, I would focus on the commands and procedures which are different in the non-running program.
The error's probably caused by that portion. If all else fails, I usually comment out the suspect code one by one until I find the culprit. You can boot the live machine in simulation mode (checkmark in CMM settings) so it doesn't move, but still executes the crippled code.
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I use external .para files in my PCM programs. It looks like running a PCM program on a
machine without a PCM license won't read the external file. So, I got rid of the .para files,
and put all my variables in the Calypso parameter database. It works fine now.
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