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A question about Symmetry


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Hello everybody. I have another newby question. I tried to figure it out in the 'online help' section but I still don't quite get it. Can someone explain to me in a simpler way under what conditions I use under "Links (joins?)" "Symmetry" and when under "Measure" "Special geometries" "Symmetry Plane/Point"?
Huge thanks in advance. And again sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes. 😕
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"Construction" 😃

There is no set-in-stone rule when to use which. The special geometries can be used if you want to quickly touch a number of points and get an immediate symmetry result. But you have to keep an eye on your probing strategy. The symmetry point only uses the first two points in the strategy for calculation. You can probe more, but the result won't change.

I never use symmetry point and symmetry plane, because I find it too cumbersome to edit the basic elements if I need to.
Using the symmetry construction is more flexible, as you can quickly change which features it's calculated from and it always gives you the proper result element. If you feed it planes, the result is a plane, if you give it points, it returns a point.
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Only benefit for symmetry plane is outer/inner mainly for ASME - it will give you results like for cylinder because it works with points and not with calculated element.
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Die Symmetrieebene brauchst du für Zweipunktmaß (LP) und Hüllbedingung (E) - ISO14405 - um gegenüberliegende Punktepaare zu bilden, und für die Hüll-/Pferchberechnung, also, wie die Kollegen oben schreiben, auch dann, wenn dein Bezug eine Symmetrie aus gegenüber liegenden Ebenen ist.

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