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Simulation only (off-line )


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Referring to the Zeiss Calypso 2022 7.4.04.
On the software that is actually running the machine, not the offline seat that is on a separate computer that is not attached to the machine, what is the purpose for using the software connected to the machine in " Simulation only (off-line ) "?

Also am I correct in thinking that the stylus will not show up in the view when running Simulation only (off-line ).

If I want to see create a program offline and test run with the stylus running I should be using the offline seat that is on a separate computer that is not attached to the machine. Is this correct?
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Yes, offline is the best way to go.

In my opinion, running in simulation doesn't serve much purpose other than to possibly check some logic with formulas and other scripts. It can actually be harmful as if you change probes in your program, the software will think the probe has changed but when you re-connect to the cmm, it will think a different probe is in the sensor. Then when you do a probe change, WHAM!!!
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I like to use it to make some quick checks or changes to the configuration when the connected CMM is off and I don't want to go through the slow startup / initialization / homing process. But more than once I forgot to take that checkmark out again and the next operator (or sometimes even myself) cursed, being unable to initialize the machine. 🤣
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