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polygonprofil P3G 10H6


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I'm measuring a polygon profil P3G (DIN 32711) without curve, so in 3 points and I am aligned on the Ø3 (+theorical rotation) who is machined on the same position machine. the Ød5 is 0.009 mm tolerance.

is it possible to make the planar rotation on the P3G itself ? or how would you do mesure the P3G (Ød5)


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If you don't need to align it to the 3mm hole, I would consider taking points on each side equal distance, and creating a symmetry point. I would loop your base alignment to make sure it aligns accurately, and check the profile accordingly. Hope this helps.
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did you tried to scan the polygon as a circle and then set it as tangentiel extern and intern (to get d5 / d6) ?
try to scan it slow (maybe 4-5 mm/sec) with lots of points (0.05-0.1 mm/point)

Hope it will help 🙂

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You can try following version:

- create 3 circles at the position of R2
- open position with the hole pattern (in german it is called Lochbildeinpassung) an select the 3 circles, on this way you get the new coordinate system Einpassung1
- now create a circle in this new coordinate system (in my example i tried with 3 single points)

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@ Eric :
good, seems to work, i'll make some repeta and see the delta between old method and yours.

@Guillaume :
no curve no scan on my calypso 😠 😠 😠 😠

when I define a point at 0 on system Einpassung1, it's like it is actualy at 0 on Base system !! don't work like I want.
other question, how do you make three circle (or point) with one ony element --Punk1(3)--

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The CAD-Model is drawn at the theoretical values, you cannot see a difference.
We used this several times for hole pattern and we#ve got good an repeatable results.

The 3-Circle-Thing is just a pattern:
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For polygon profiles there are ready-to-use CALYPSO programs for evaluation at ZEISS in Oberkochen. These can be purchased via the order programming in Oberkochen.
If you are interested, ask for information on "myPTY" measurement plans
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Also, if it doesn't need to be aligned to the OD, (it's a profile with no Datums, or only 1 Datum) you could consider aligning to itself using a 3d Best Fit Alignment. Use points from the Profile for the Alignment, and check your profile points to the alignment. It works pretty well.
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i tried several methode of alignment, the repetability is good for all, but the accuarcy is not good when directly orientated on the P3G. i 'll stiil do the planar rotation on the Ø3.

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