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Correct way to recalculate preallignment with additional help point


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I created a template using the additional help point for preallignment bacause the item is round and simmetrical. When I load the 8 cavity to do the control, automatically GOM select the last cavity and if I recalculate the software asks to put both the CAD point and the effective one. If I select the first cavity, the software automatically switch on the second cavity and asks me to put only the effective point until the last cavity where the software loses the nominal point and I have to put it again. The cavity number 1 result calculated, but not in position: cavity 1 is in scan position. Is it a bug or am I wrong in something?

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Hello Mr. Giraudo,

can you add a screenshot?

The points for cavity were set correctly, after all 8 stages the first stage lost its alignment?

If yes, please contact support@gom.com and we could get a look on your project.

What software / software version are you using?

Best regards,

Jens Braun

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