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Calypso output report


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Do you have the PCM option on that CMM?
Table files are what is being reported and they can be turned on with PCM even though they show turned off in the results to file menu, PCM can report them
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We don't have PCM, yet it generates the 3 table files by default. If you go to Extras/Settings/Environment and click on the Paths Tab, your Default path can be set under "Default Path for Result Files. This is where all files will go unless you set a specific location. I would create a new folder for your excel and PDF files and route them to the new folder.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Use a batch script to cut and paste them into a specified location when the program finishes running. It needs to be named RUNEND.BAT and placed in the inspections folder. Keep in mind, wherever you cut/paste the .txt files, if you use QC-Calc, you'll need to change the directory it looks for those files so it can find them and pull in the data after the program finishes running.

Here's the script I use:

del /q C:\SPCdata\*.txt
xcopy "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO 7.2\workarea\results\*.txt" "C:\SPCdata\" /c /m /r /y
del /q "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO 7.2\workarea\results\*.txt"

I have a folder called SPCdata in the root of the C drive for each CMM. The script auto runs when the program completes. First, the script deletes any previous files placed in that folder so it stays clean and decluttered. Next, it copies all .txt files from the results folder and pastes into the SPCdata folder, then goes back and deletes. You could simply cut/paste but I worried about errors, so copying first, then going back and deleting was my preferred choice.

Obviously you'd want to modify the paths to match yours.

start X:\Calypso\SoundFiles\"pacman_dies.wav"
timeout /T 5
start X:\Calypso\"inspections 7.2"\"vlcend.bat"

As a bonus, I also have this script afterward which plays a specific sound file (I set default media player to VLC media player for .wav files), pauses for 5 seconds so the sound clip can play, then automatically closes VLC media player by executing a separate batch script called vlcend.bat which is also placed in the inspections folder. I tried killing vlc in the RUNEND.BAT script but it wasn't working for some reason, so I chained it to a separate .bat file that simply closes VLC Media Player when finished.

taskkill /im vlc.exe
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