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probe head indicator light error


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does anybody encounter same error? one ACCURA-II machine probe head indicator light keep "purple" and blinking that happened in last Friday afternoon shift. no prohead is recognized. machine can go home manually. the probe head is working after swapped to other machine. any feedback would be appreciated. 677_16dda0bcc32d848f9e40db2b05b08046.jpg
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I found some possible solutions on a different forum:


"Hello all, we have a Zeiss Contura G2 running Calypso 2015. A program was stopped in the middle of a stylus indexing so the sensor is positioned at 45 deg. The sensor indicator light is purple and flashing and we haven't been able to re-establish a CMM connection. Has anybody experienced this issue. It seems like the machine gets all messed up when stopped in the middle of a stylus indexing?? Thanks."

"There are a bunch of recovery strategies that not everyone knows that don't involve cycling power...

If you have a styli stuck in a part or rotated into a part you can manually eject the plate.
<Shift>+<Lower return> then <F2>
This will immediately drop the plate so be ready...no 5 second countdown.

You can then usually reset your traffic light and joystick away.

Same control panel command then <F1> picks up the plate and tarates it.
Same control panel command then <F3> picks up the plate only.
Same control panel command then <F4> tarates the styli only.

If you need to warm reboot the controller? <Shift>+<Lower Return> then <X> will do a warm boot. This resets the controller and takes a second or so. You then have to go to the traffic light in Calypso and in the top tool bar second(?) icon from the left click "Reconnect" and the traffic light will shutdown and restart...takes about 5 seconds to get the DRO back up and then Calypso won't be mad about the warm reboot.

The only reason you ever need to cold boot the entire system is due to a measuring system error. That means loss of a scale signal or something wrong with a probing system. You will have to rehome as well after a cold boot and pick up your datums again if you are in the middle of something. (Homing can alter the machine coordinate system a small amount on any machine.) "
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After seeing the other issues he has had with his machine and swapping the head to another machine I believe you need to download the Zeiss device activator from the portal, there are instruction in the download but call support if needed as i have never personally done this


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