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Stylus Qualification


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I heard someone on this forum say it is important to run full speed during probe qualification or you will not get the correct bending parameters. Is that true? I was told years ago to slow it down for a better calibration.
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I believe in Tensor, it is just fine to let it run at whatever speed you want but there is no advantage to a slower qualification. For dynamic tensor, the software will yell at you and tell you to turn the speed dial all the way up or it will not perform the qualification.
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The qualification should be run at 100% measuring speed. Slowing it down via the control box does not result in a "better" qualification. If you are concerned with the speed of navigation in a qualification program, that should be controlled with the program speed in mm/s but actually ref sphere measurement should not be altered with the control box for any scanning of the reference sphere. Changes in speed during specific parts of the "Passive Qualification" can cause the qualification to fail.
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