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Average gap value


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I'm doing a Gap analysis and sometimes the mesh is not that nice and over the gap curve the gap changes more than in reality. To filter out these variation (caused by scanning) I thought of averaging the gap values of the gap at specific points. Those points are created as equidistance point on the curve.

1. Is it possible to get the average gap from a gap curve?

2. How can I average gap measurement of several gap points? I put those points (nominal) is a group. This groups doesn't offer me a average check.


Thanks for your advice


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Hello Johnny,

a simple way would be to create a deviation label showing the arithmetic mean value, or you create an element group of the points.
In the 2021 Software there are options in the measuring principle "Edges, gaps and flush" to handle with incomplete meshes or artifacts in the data:



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Hello Nanno,

I'm working with the 2019 version. 

I found the statistics actual mean keyword for the label. That solves my issue.


I created an element group of the points. But cannot find a way to get the mean of the points. Is it also possible using an element group?


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