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Alignment and clearance plane issues


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When I create a program for a new part, I import the CAD model, select and extract the features I want to use for my alignment, then set my alignment and use clearance plane from model. Then I extract and create all features I need to determine dimensions in order of what side of part it’s taking the dimples from sue to my probe having to be manually rotated. Then I run my manual alignment and it takes it CMM mode alignment. It will take all measurements from one side of the part where I pulled my alignment features from. But when it’s ready to rotate and take points off other faces of the part, it looses where the part is and tries to take hits from space. Anyone have any ide how I can fix this problem?
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It's been many years since I worked with a manually rotated head on a CMM.
Do you have the correct probe assigned to the features on the other side?
You should have at least two probe names (A0B0, A0B90, AOB180,front, back, 90°, 180°, 270°, ect) that are qualified to that position and if you don't have the correct one assigned, it will definitely float in space trying to take points where there are none.
It's a good practice to make sure you have the probe active that will be used on the feature when you select them off of the model.
If probe name assigned is correct and both have been qualified to that direction, then you're alignment could be flipped, which is usually caused by a 3D line being used in the planar axis rotation.
Go to plan, navigation and select blocked edges and see if the alignment has been flipped (see illustration).
If this doesn't fix it, then zip the program folder and post it here so people can look at it and hopefully get you going in the right direction.


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