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Points are being added to a feature as I create new features


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Just like the title states.

You don't have to run it on the CMM, it does the same thing by selecting Points or features on the model.
In the program is a feature called "2d Line4". Pay attention to this feature, look at its contents prior to creating any new features.
When I create other features the points are added to the new feature and to the existing "2d Line4". I hear an audible double beep.

I have attached the program (v7.2.12) and if any one can test it, I would appreciate it.

18-36 Inch Square_Na_One model for range of lengths_10-18-2022.zip

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I cant load it either. Since i have gone to 2020 (7.0.20) I have found that certain features (very randomly) will add points sometimes 20-30 for absolutely no reason. Typically I don't notice them until I run it on the CMM then wonder why machine is acting funny and making random probings or just initializing an error tripping my red light. It is very strange, random and annoying.
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This is the first time I was able to capture this problem. Its happened many times in the past including 2018 version.
I've had near collisions from this type of thing. In the past I thought I made some kind of mistake.

As for the model, just remove the ".sab" files and try the program.
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It loaded fine on 7.2.08 and I couldn't replicate the issue you're seeing but, I don't have an indexable head. I don't recall ever having the issue in any version so, maybe it's the computer?
Most likely a bug or algorithm not meshing with the graphics card or mouse settings?

However, I've had two mysterious things happen with this 7.2 version. They're not show stoppers but, one is that all the saved programs created over several years are referring to an excel characteristic file that hasn't been used in years and I have to change it every time I want the program to report in an excel report. Then yesterday, I run a program that hadn't been run since 2018 and the two stylus systems used in the program were switched (a star type probe and one long down carbon fiber probe) so features that used the star probe were now using the down probe, and the features using the down probe were using the star probe. I switched them around and the program run fine but, I'll never understand that one. I'm the only person who uses this particular system and even though the program was used 4 years prior, I know beyond the shadow of any doubt that the program was NOT saved that way.
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