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Surface Profile of a constructed freeform feature


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I have a print callout at the bottom of the print that applies a .020 surface profile callout to "all features unless otherwise noted". Since this callout applies to several features around the part and my immediate superiors want this reported once on the readout rather than individually reporting each feature, I have probed those features as planes, cylinders, etc and then created a freeform feature and done a "recall feature points" and recalled all of these individual features into the freeform feature. My problem is that when I run the program offline and report the individual features in "masked" characteristics, each of the individual features report as a 0 surface profile with zeroes in the form and sigma, which is what it should be running it in simulation. However, the freeform feature with the combined recalled features gives me a .0297 surface profile and the form of .0182 and sigma of .0045. Is there a better way to create and report the combined features? Is this a software issue or am I doing something wrong?

Any help would be appreciated.
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Not sure why you're seeing this but when you recalled the feature points into the Free Form Surface, did you select all of the feature surface that were to be evaluated? A normal FFS, you would click on Surfaces Used, but in your case, you have to select each surface individually.
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The button for "Surfaces Used" doesn't do anything when I click on it, so to answer your question, no. I had assumed since it didn't do anything when I clicked on it that it didn't apply to a freeform feature using "Recall Feature" as opposed to a freeform feature using a point set.
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Yes, this button only works when you create a FFS that has its own strategy and not build from recalling feature points from other features.

Last post from Ed is promising.
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If you are doing recall and stuff just to report one combined result on your report (.020 callout). An easier way is to create individual surface profile characteristics for all features, mask all of these characteristics and use MAX function to report the highest result of these profile characteristics. This way you will still be able to analyze individual features if needed while reporting only one combined result in your report.
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