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Calypso vs MCOSMOS


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Hey guys,

I just did a demo for a potential customer that seems to think they like MCOSMOS better. Does anyone have any experience with MCOSMOS and can comment about the pros and cons as it relates to Calypso?

They don't want Free Form/Curves because of cost and claim MCOSMOS handled the demo part with 2 Surface Profiles much easier. There were 144 individual cylinders and planes making up the 2 profile surfaces. I did it with 2 curves and did line profile as the DRF was fully constrained.

ZEISS_TEST.pdfdemo part.JPG

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Are you work for Zeiss??.
I think you can't see any vector in MCosmos compared to Calypso..
Obviously the software interface in Cosmos will very unfriendly, Calypso has extremely user friendly interface.
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Hey Tom. I haven't used MCOSMOS, so I can't comment, but I had two questions while reading this.

1. In your DRF, did you just pick any two opposing cylinders to serve as Datum B, or did you construct something else for the Datum feature?

2. For the position requirement on the print you provided, does Datum C constrain anything for this characteristic? I realize one degree of translation is available for Datum C, but does this constraint affect the position characteristic, since the controlled cylinders' axis are perp. to Datum C?

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The datum feature simulator will be a flat plate,upon which a centre bunk for locating and another long pin for orientation, so as you mentioned datum c only stop translate in along z axis.. it should be perpendicular to Aand C.
He might use a single cylinder or a 3D line then intersect with C ,will get a point , use that point for clocking...
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Really it is complicated?? He can finish it off with two stylus 3 and 5 or 2 and 4..
May be i didn't get you well.... 😃
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I'm where I am today because of it. It explained why we do what we do. I highly recommend the advance training.
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1. During the demo, they admitted that the B notation was incorrect. They just made up this drawing for the demo. To keep it simple and fast, I did a 3d line between 2 inline circles.

2. Technically, Datum C doesn't do anything but control the location of the tolerance zone along the axis of A. I'm guessing there is not noticeable difference if C is used or not.
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