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Disable Scanning Optimization for a specific program?


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Can I disable Scanning Optimization for a specific program or preferably a specific feature?
I am scanning over splines (Vertical splines and horizontal scanning), the stylus dips into the V slightly (Ø8mm stylus). This triggers the stylus to rescan at a lower speed.
Lowering my initial speed doesn't prevent the Scanning Optimization.
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Disable Scanning Optimization?

I've been able to prevent it from happening while scanning an internal spline even on an XXT machine by slowing down the speed to 5mm/s, maximum point density for that speed and changing the probing behavior to robust.

I was tempted to find a way to disable it but found there was no need once I slowed it down and set it to robust.
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For a specific measurement plan - yes. Resources - Compatibility Settings - For this measurement plan - Scanning optimization for Passive Sensors - Off

For a specific feature - no - Hopefully they add this ability in the future though - I don't know if it has been suggested though.
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That is a danger then. There's very few programs where I would be okay with disabling it entirely. Because then I would have to go back to the old steps of using the Measurement Ref. or extra secondary alignments to help with patterns of holes are machined incorrectly.

I'm glad I was able to make it work without disabling. Hopefully Rick can too.
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This program is simple, scanning over splines (OD) to obtain the major diameter.
Turning off Scanning Optimization seemed to work fine (saves time).
Using the Robust setting also seemed to help.
Some more testing and I'll have this worked out.

Thanks for all the input and advise!
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With a properly robust inspection plan with strong alignment structure and sound measurement strategy, this setting should not be a necessity for your program. Scanning Optimization will most often occur on features that are off location and present force on the stylus outside the expected range (ie: a diameter off location, scanning over splines/gears/key-ways, short radii blends).

This setting will only be present on machine tabs that utilize a passive sensor (such as XXT)

I am unaware of a method to disable this for specific features. One way to mitigate the initiation of scanning optimization is to use single point measurements over scanning paths as points adjust proper force at each point provided the physical feature is within measurement range. This does usually still end up with a longer measurement cycle time however. Not always easy to "clock" for splined features either.

Resources > Compatibility Settings > For This Measurement Plan
Scanning Optimization for Passive Sensors
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I've found single points per spline surface is insufficient, scanning a circular path which collects data from each surface width appears to be more conclusive to the actual part diameter.
The problem is most likely that the stylus dips into the V of each spline surface possibly creating a false measuring force issue.
Its odd that I can use a Line Scan on threads and have not had the XXT utilize Scanning Optimization.
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