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Need help with programming angle approach


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Sorry I feel like a noob asking this. I have part that I’m programming. It has several angled holes. I calibrated on Stylus at A0B25 and A0B-65 so it is square to the features. So how do I program so the stylus system goes into the cylinder straight on. Like at the 65 deg approach. Please and thanks 🙏
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Not sure understanding well, but had you tried to play with security distance ? (in the clearance data)
Try to set a distance larger than you measurment depth (set travel before and after).

Does it help ?

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One method is to increase the Clearance Distance on those features. If you go to CAD > Settings... > Strategy and tick on Clearance Positions.

This will show 2 arrows when you open a feature. One arrow represents the moves into the feature and the other represents the moves out of the feature. The tip of the arrow represents "ball center" at the retract distance and the other end represents "ball center" at the Clearance Distance. Just increase the clearance distance until the un-arrowed end is out of the hole. Now, the probe will move from the clearance plane to the un-arrowed end, then move along the axis of the cylinder to the circles paths and then vice versa.
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I should have been more clear on this post.
When you create the alignment for the geometry set a clearance value that will be slightly beyond the envelope of the Clearance Plane.
The stylus will move about in your normal Clearance Plane envelope until it gets to the point of entry (now some distance away from actual entry), then it will move in the alignment of the feature.
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No need for the secondary alignment. Just increase your Clearance Distance beyond the part. This only works for Cylindrical features.

For Planes, prior to 2022, you will need Position Points. In 2022 and beyond, there is a travel behavior that you can select that will force it normal to the axis of the stylus shaft.
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I had a couple parts last week that had 8 cylinders around, so 4 were at 45º.
I had trouble with the Clearance distance so i just created a CMM Position just outside the hole before and after.
Now i can clear to -Y for the front 2 and +Y for the rear 2, and the probe will align itself in the center of the hole.
I just needed to do this for 1 hole and paintbrush tool copied strategy for the other 3.


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Only need to adjust the clearance distance in the measurement strategy clearance data. It is the length of travel along the axis of the cylinder until it meets the probing depth for your strategy (intersection of clearance distance and retract distance).
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