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defining components and selected points


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Dear GOM correlate technical team,

I am a new user of GOM correlate. I want to capture the results of DIC maps of a compact tensile test of rock. when I start the software and select the images, after scale calibration of my images, I press the define components tab to define the points. So far so good, but my problem is after creating and closing the tab, in the properties information window which is showed in the right sight of the screen the number of selected points remains equal to zero! as if no point is selected. because of this problem I think I can not capture the proper deformation or strain map. would you mind please advice me in this issue? how should I fix it?



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out of 12076 possible points ("Max. number of points") you got 11877 points ("Number of points"). So everything should be okay to evaluate shapes, deformations, strains, ...

"Selected points" just means the amount of points you selected (e.g. with the selection tools from the tool bar at the bottom of the 3D View) to do something special with - e.g. fit some geometries, create some regions, limit a check only to a selected area, ...

Without any selection the creation of a strain check (Inspection -> Check Dimensions -> Strains / or with I-Inspect) will use all points by default.

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