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automatically change stylus systems in special element HOLOS


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Hi everybody,

Is anybody here who use special element HOLOS?

Please. Can you tell me or show me. How do I automatically change the stylus system in special elemen Holos? Because i must change it manually and that is no good for me.

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Again, I've never used Holos, but some things to look for are to make sure you specified the correct stylus system and make sure that stylus system is assigned in the rack. Is the program having issues written in the same version of Calypso as the version you are currently running? Do you have the latest service packs installed?
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Interesting. HOLOS item is found under "Additional Features" and contains a Strategy button yet it is a Characteristic. As I mentioned, I know nothing about HOLOS. Sorry about that.
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Not to be demeaning, but often times the solution to an issue in Calypso is just something simple like that. When troubleshooting, I have found it best to start at the very beginning. ("Do I have the correct measurement plan open?" and go from there)
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