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strain map


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I want to analyze a compact tension test result of DIC on rock samples.

when I set calibrating scale and implement the surface component the resultant strain map is not satisfactory. my tested specimen includes a crack. I think different distribution of strain field are expected  around the crack and especially at the crack tip, but my strain plots does not include them. I attached one frame of my result. is there any solution for this? or is there any missed procedure?



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your expectations are right - there should be some strain values at least over the crack. How does your stage 1 look like? Is it already cracked there or is it snapped from the unloaded specimen?

How does the displacement field (check for Displacement or DisplacementX) look like?

Anyway - for this kind of crack an EpsilonX or MajorStrain check seems to make more sense than an EpsilonY check.

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