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Calypso 2016 Autosave PDF report


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Looking for some help in setting up our reports to autosave to PDFs after an inspection run. we are currently using Calypso 2016 and the custom report. we plan on moving to PiWeb sometime in the next year but we are looking for a solution for the near term.
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For the custom printout, with NO measurement plan open, Go to extra settings, environment and select paths to see where the default results are saved.
You can also set up individual paths for each program by going to resources, name for output files.
If using the multiple printout and pi-web, I don't use it so, somebody else would have to elaborate. 164_bf8344c23603823b3f5bfc3b369f025e.jpg
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Timothy i think this is what you need.
I also have the issue with PDF being greyed out and was told i need an updated PDF driver specific to Calypso.
It should be an easy fix, a couple minutes at tops.
Unfortunately for me i don't have admin rights on these computers so its a pain in the A to coordinate with my computer guys and tech support (we have that wonderful corporate IT now instead of regular IT at every location)
Also, nobody ever knows where our install disks are, they disappear.
So for now i'm playing the "lets wait for this to become a big issue" game.

Attached is an email response i got from Zeiss back in December, you may be able to fix yourself if you have the install disks & admin rights, if not im sure Zeiss tech support can make fast work of it.


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If PDF is grayed out at the run screen it means it is not turn on. To turn it on go to Resources/Utilities/Results to File and check PDF for always on or selectable at CNC start (If you turn it on it will still be grayed out but check in the run screen).

REMEMBER - this does NOT save the PiWeb report to PDF if you want the PiWeb report saved as a PDF you need to turn it on in the multiple printout window.

If you need help to find it I can take a snippet and show you what to select.
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  • 3 years later...
I'm having the same issue. I have pdf checked on. I went to Multiple Report and made sure pdf is turned on their as well. I double checked "..." after to make sure it is accepting my pathway that I build in "Name for output files". Everything is as it should be. When the program ends it pulls up a piweb report, it just want send it the pathway I have designated.

I should say I started a new job and am working on a new machine as a result. In the past I only bothered with the custom report. This is my first time using piweb. It's not very user friendly, is it?
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FYI With Multiple Report active, pdf setting in Results to File is inactive.

Can you post a screenshot of your Name for Output files script?
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