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Changing Stylus via PCM without physically changing the Stylus


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So I have this GREAT plan. 🙄
I use "List" styli for a reason on high precision parts.
To cut down on the time frame to Qualify a particular stylus I want to create several Stylus's with specific articulations.
I would want to change to a Stylus that doesn't require a physical change of the stylus.

Example of Styli:
1. "2x40xCb_std"
2. "2x40xCb_15°"
3. "2x40xCb_30°"
4. "2x40xCb_45°"
5. "2x40xCb_60°

Each of the above, less item 1, would have the 4 standard articulations of (2) Y+, (3) X+, (4) Y- and (5) X-.
Item 1 would have the 5 standard articulations (think of a star probe).
Is this possible via PCM?
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1. Minimize the number of styli in a single probe setup.
2. Change to a different stylus while running a program but there is no physical change, they are the same with different names.
...a.Typically you change at the probe rack or by hand. I see no need for that with this idea.
3. Program moves stylus to a Clear Zone determined in the program.
4. With PCM, change to a different (by name only) stylus but it is the same physical stylus. It will have different articulations.
All of the "Named" styli will have its own qualification, its own PCF file.

Explaining why is kind of irrelevant unless the initial concept of non-physical probe changes can be achieved. (No disrespect meant).
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