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Alignment Ideas


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I have a blisk sample with 4 blades on it. I also have a blisk sample with 1 blade on it. I created a base alignment on a fixture that is holding the either part. The blades rotate about the Y axis, but the fixture does not clock the part.

The program uses a rotational pattern to measure the 4 blades. And, for the 1 blade part, I change the number of features in the pattern to 1. Very clean.

For clocking of the part, I want to introduce a 3D Best Fit Alignment taking 4 points on each side of 2 blades on the 4 blade version and 4 points on each side of 1 blade on the 1 blade version and limit fitting to rotation about the Y axis. All of the curves use the 3D BF alignment. To change from a 4 blade run to a 1 blade run, I just re-select which points I want to use in the 3D BF alignment. Also, very clean.

The problem is that I need to do the 3D Best Fit Alignment manually but then want to run an iterative loop. How do I get the alignment to run manually the first time and then in CNC for the subsequent iterations?

I forgot to mention that the single program I am using has the 4 blade model in it. The difficulty comes to play when I want to run the 1 blade part. It would be similar to rotating the 4 blade version until the left blade is vertical.

4 blades.JPG1 blade.JPGblades.jpg

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If you want to use a 3d Best Fit, and perform a manual alignment at first, I think the simplest solution would be to make (2) 3d Best Fits, one that contains a series of points that are set to Manual Mode inside of Resources - Features Settings Editor - Man CNC Mode, the second would contain your CNC points that you want to loop, but you reference the first 3d Best Fit inside of the second 3d Best Fit.
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In addition, to avoid back-and-forth changes to the measurement plan, I would suggest using Mini-Plans and just creating independent alignments and features for the (4) blade variant and the (1) blade variant.
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Take a symmetry from two points of one blade. I don't know how you want to create programs with two different models ( 4 blades is empty in middle / 1 blade have blade in middle ). Or you can take symmetry from sides.
Just pick something simple ( two points ) which will help - it doesn't matter if it's not accurate in houndreds - tenths wil help to make a good start.
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Nope. No change. I did it in simulation, too. No change. I thought mine worked at one point but not totally sure.

I knew you were going to say that. On a previous version of this program, when I used 3D best fit for the main alignment, checking to CAD model caused the alignment to move so far off the part it couldn't even find the part, I mean, inches off. screwed up all of my features and had to re-create program. Worked much better without CAD checked.
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I can't help with your problem, but I also had issues with this checkbox from the moment I upgraded to 2021. I have a few programs which perform a rotational (Z) best fit on the blades of a fan wheel. After alignment I measure the Z height of the 2 mm blades. All of the programs had Fit to CAD model checked and all of them failed in 2021, missing the blades by several millimeters. After unchecking the box everything ran fine again. I think it's buggy and stopped using it. I never really understood how it works anyway 🤣
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Do the models represent the parts?
In particular the bases the blades reside on.
I would create a base Alignment from the Bases and then a CNC 3D BestFit Alignment for the Blades.
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