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Is it possible to use MMC on a True Position of a Cone / Circle on Cone?


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Hello my friends,

short question, does anyone of you know if its possible to evaluate MMC on a True Position of a Circle of Cone?
Got a drawing where i need to measure a cone, which i mostley do with several Circle on Cone and evaluate the Position "0 / MMC to A-B"

Im really not sure about, for sure with a circle it would work, as its not a big cone i could recall the circle on cone as a circle and use this position, but its not really what is requested and im not sure if the value would be corrupt.

Any ideas?

Thanks and regards,
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Check the cone as a cone. Circle on a cone is not reliable. After checking the cone use cone calculation to ask for a diameter at a specific height. Now you can ask for position of the cone calculation. It has a diameter and you can assign a size tolerance. 😃
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Thank you very much for your support. 🙂

Cone addition works perfect, i was really not aware that when you use cone addition that you can then as for a MMC position but not from a cone or a cirle on a cone seperate. 🙂

Thank you,
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