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Axis change due to base alignment modification


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Guys, I recently changed a program's base alignment spatial rotation and due to this the clearance cube data has gone crazy.
The values in some axis are huge and during test drive in clearance , some axis move unrelated to their own axis and some just don't move at all.
I guess changing the base alignment somehow altered the axis system for that particular program, can anyone help me with this?
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Whenever I have to change the base alignment AFTER creating features, I usually also have to adjust the Clearance Plane to get the program to function correctly. I select Clearance Plane from CAD Model. If you don't have a CAD Model, you can go to CAD>Cad File>Automatic Healing>Build Geometry, and this will allow you to access the Clearance Plane from CAD Model function.


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I suspect your base alignment has flipped. Go to plan, navigation and select blocked edges. In the blocked edges
window you'll see a cube with check-boxes and the four check-boxes at the bottom have circles around them. If the circles are at the top or to the side, the alignment has flipped.
If it's spatial (now called rotation in space), you could open the base alignment window and select the drop down axis menu and change it opposite of what it was (+ vs -,etc) or in whatever direction axis it's supposed to be driven from and see if it flips the alignment back.
If that doesn't work, to clear the base alignment and correct the blocked edges window, go to resources, utilities and all the way at the bottom select "set base alignment to zero". Then figure out what feature caused the flip and rerun the program with a manual base alignment.

Flipped alignments are usually caused by erroneous Planar Rotation's in the alignment but, also spatial if the vector direction went from say z+ to z-.
Usually it's a 3D line when two features are used and say hole left to right is chosen with a recalled line and then by accident during the manual alignment, for example, the operator measures the right hole first and then the left.
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The magnetic polarity of your CMM has reversed. Place a refrigerator magnet on the center of the CMM's granite and soak for 72 hours. When the magnet levitates 25.4mm from the surface of the granite, your machine is once again operational. Place a sign on your CMM explaining the reason for the downtime.

P.S., Just adding some humor to the situation. I remember being frustrated by this problem in the past. Do what Owen and Justin suggested.
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This has worked for me in the past.

Go back to the version of the program before the change. Create a new alignment the same as the new Base Alignment. Set everything else to the new alignment. Make the new Base Alignment.
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