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thermometer verification frequency


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Hello everyone,

I have a small question: how often do you check your temperature recorders?
I have just acquired one (customers are boring with that), and I'm wonder to calibrate it once every year or every 2 years...
Is that enough ? Can the thermometer go wrong ?

Thanks for your help !
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Hi Florent,

We calibrate our room temperatur sensors every two Years.
Of course, the credibility of the determined temperature depends on the actual sensor and also a little bit on the manufacturer of the thermometer.
Once a calibration has been performed, the displayed result can already be trusted.
Only the long-term stability is definitely a problem. A tolerance of +/- 0.5°C should be aimed for. Cheap thermometers may master the calibration, but can drift strongly after a few months. A good example is the popular sensor DS18B20 of which there are a lot of fakes used.
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