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Zeiss CMM Probe rotation etc


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Hi All,
I have a dilemma,
I wrote a program on my Contura G2 using a CAD Model. I am trying to add more up to date things to the company's CMM.
Before we used to write programs from 2D Drawings but I have been trying to add CAD to the mix.
I have written a program from CAD without having a physical part and have been saving as i go when I get a spare few hours to do so.
Now that I have some of the prog built up and have a part now I want to run the part. Trouble is now that the Probe wants to change rotation over the rack and I have to stop the VAST xxt from ramming into the rack where my ViScan is.
Can somebody please help me with the issues i am having???
Thanks in advance,
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@ Erik Sikora.2
When running Base alignment I have a 2.5x75mm probe because Its the longest probe I have to do the alignment. I start with A=-90, B=90 and do a plane. Then I do a plane on the opposite side so I rotate to A=90, B=90 do my plane then I want to change probe but somehow the stylus rotates to A=-90, B=90 and travels towards the rack and stops over the rack and rotates to
A=0, B=0 Which collides with the ViScan as rotation /swivel path is not allowing for the length of probe. Is there another way of changing that path and rotation to make it do its rotation in a clear space before travelling to the rack to do probe change?


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Das einfachste ist eine Zwischenposition , zb. Y-150 , dann auf zb. Z250 und dann schwenken auf A0B0
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Here is some general information.

Whatever stylus is active when you close the probing qualification window, will become the default stylus whenever stylus system is picked up from probe rack. This does not apply to an XXT stylus system set up to use RDS-CAA, which will stay at A90 B0 when picked up.

To eliminate (or greatly reduce) the chances of an RDS-XXT stylus system rotating into the rack, I recommend editing the "Top" values of your Approach Parameters for your "Before Change" and "After Change" to 999 (like Eric said). This will cause the CMM to go all the way up to the +Z limit before travelling to and from the probe rack. So, if there is a rotation issue, there is a good chance the stylus will not rotate into the rack. This should be to all positions, especially if you're always changing to different stylus systems for different programs.

I have a 6206 Contura 9/12/8 with XT holders on the lower tier and XXT holders on the upper tier. The rack is too tall to apply the above logic, so my "Top" parameters stayed at 0 but my "Approach Direction" parameters are 300. I have a 150mm long stylus system and it clears everything just fine. Fortunately, the 1200 Y travel affords me ample space to do this. A machine with 700 Y, not so lucky.
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You could add some CMM Move points and at the last one where your clear of the part and any obstacles, add a articulation to A0B0.

Hope that helps
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I have had similar problems with RDS XXT rotations happening where ever they want to with complete disregard for Probe racks, the table, clearance cubes, and even the support column . What perplexes me most is that calypso knows exactly how long each probe system is and exactly where it will end up after rotation ! All that would need to be done to operate crash free would be to not allow a rotation in any area that would cause a collision. A machine clearance cube could be established around the rack, column, and table in the same way a clearance cube is made for the part. Shorter systems would be closer to the clearance areas than longer systems.

Rotation position doesn't even work all the time.
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