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Recalling feature points from cylinder to circle.


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Recalling a measured section of a cylinder to a circle but the circle is projected to the base alignment rather than the cylindrical feature. Different size diameters between the two is a lot. How do I recall points correctly?


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First of all, recalled points are not filtered. The new feature, your circle , will have to be filtered and outlier elimination will also have to be applied. That might make it better. Not sure why it's projecting to the base alignment.
Remember, a cylinder uses different algorithms to come up with an answer than it does for a circle.
What are you trying to accomplish ?
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I'm trying to get a diameter of a cylinder at certain depth. One way is to just measure it at said depth or, what I'm trying to do is measure a cylinder and then recalled the measured points at that depth into a circle.

Problem is the circle from recalled points is not parallel to the cylinder, but rather to base alignment. This will effect the diameter of the circle.


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Create a secondary alignment along the axis of the cylinder,then assign this secondary alignment to your circle that is to be used for recall feature point option before the recalling, then do the recalling....
Good luck.
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Alternatively you can set the axis and the a1/a2 angles of the circle to those of the cylinder. If you want the circle to follow changes of the cylinder automatically, use formulas:
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You will have to check a circle at the depth required.
Once you use Cylinder calypso produces an average cylinder based on all the points you collected. It will not show taper or size variation along its entire length. If the part was heavily hourglass shaped...say .01 MM smaller in the middle, and you checked on either side of that area, how would calypso be able to determine the size where it did not check ?

Place a circle at the print depth.
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