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Pitch variation


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This is my biggest issue with Gear measurements, everyone calls something different. Thankfully there is a universal nomenclature, but it appears that this person didn't do that.

I would suspect that they want the fu, and the fp.
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This is a tough one and a little beyond Zeiss or Gear Pro in my opinion.

Curvic Couplings are quite unique and Gear Pro does not have an exact module for this.

You may be able to measure pitch variation (fp is what they are after here I believe, single tooth to tooth variation, Total pitch would be Fp which is blank) in Calypso - pick up datum measure at center face width on pitch diameter.

With Gleason (GMS) inspection machines, they have the option of 'eccentricity removal' of sinusoidal runout. Gear Pro may have a similar option in involute and bevel however I believe it will correct the eccentricity of the pitch data itself - this data block appears to possibly be referencing the eccentricity of -A-.

I would get with the Engineering Department.
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I am not a gear guy so I am curious, I am looking at the poster that Richard posted and it seems to me that the print is asking for fe, yet Chris and Richard have said otherwise. Please help me understand.
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fe = eccentricity or as Gear Pro labels it : excentricity 😃

I believe the print is concerned with single pitch variation or tooth to tooth errors.

What the eccentricity removal typically does on Gleason is forces the journals to be perfectly concentric to each other, and centers the pitch data on top of that. so basically removal of most runout/out of round.

I might give this a shot in gear pro involute using the remove eccentricity option - however you would need to get pretty creative to get a curvic to run in involute but I think it can be done ...
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