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Best Fit Bore Pattern


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I have created a Best Fit Bore Pattern on 3 circles to Datum A (top of part). From the attached plot, you can see that rotation and translation have been applied but the top circle is just out of tolerance. However, the 2 lower circles clearly have room to shift.

Any thoughts?
. CADcube Example_PlotProtocol.pdf
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This might be wrong but here are my thoughts:

When rotating and translating, Calypso looks at minimizing total deviation from nominal (not deviation from its upper spec limit). If you shift the two lower circles, then they both get worse while only the top circle gets better. Even though the shifting would cause all features to be in tolerance, you would actually have more deviation from nominal. I think.
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I'm using circles so it is only looking at the center point. What other deviation are you referring to?
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If I use a functional gage, it doesn't matter if one feature has more deviation that the others, right?
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I would guess fit method is the problem here? The trainers stressed using view tolerance in pretty much every use case.

Actually Chad's initial post sums it up. The Gauss fit won't intentionally make individual element deviations worse in order to bring all elements within their spec limits, while view tolerance does, I think.
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Chad nailed it. I've used bore pattern best fit for a long time and that's exactly what Gauß best fit does. It doesn't care about the tolerances, it just creates an evenly distributed fit. With more bores in the pattern, it might have even shown its insensitivity for single outliers.
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