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Piweb-Display Form Plots


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(Cross posted from the Piweb forum. Not sure if anybody visits there often)

I'm new to Piweb. Loaded up the StandardProtocol.ptx template. I'm not getting any form plots. The document I have says I can choose "detailed mode", which I'm not seeing. The documentation for Piweb is less than desirable.

Also, any tutorials or documents you can point me to on using Piweb would be great.

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Thanks, Adrian. Yeah, I have those. I'm just looking for the "detailed mode" button or however it is you expand the form plots. Must be something simple I'm missing or I'm clearly looking in the wrong place. I'll check on Youtube and see what I can find.

Hope you and Janet are doing great!

Looks like the indoor mask mandate is coming back in L.A. county. Will it ever end? 🙁

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I think to display the plots, you have to click on the feature of the printout. For example, after running the program, PiWeb will appear and then you click on the feature it will show them. Unless there is another way. I am still playing around PiWeb.

Janet and I are doing good. Hope your family is doing well.
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