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probe hitting surface


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Measuring a shoulder that is approx .06 high, the approach would be moving to the "X" plus to contact the shoulder which is approx .060 high, but when the "Z" axis moves to within approx .020 from the face where the shoulder is it rapids down in "Z" axis and the probe tip thumps the face ( tends to break the ruby tip ) and then proceeds to move in "X" plus to contact the shoulder. How can I stop the thumping in the "Z" axis??


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Not sure I understand but, this close to days end, I'll offer this.
I've seen an issue where a CMM over-travels a bit in Z when going full speed, which it shouldn't but, to fix it, go to resources and open up the features setting editor and select speed and turn it down real slow for just that feature.
You might try using the same menu and select probing and then select search distance and set it to the amount you have set for retract.
The other option may be to put some CMM positions in the feature to move to before measuring it.
Good luck and good day.
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