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Multiple machine tabs on a Planner Seat


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Currently we have one CMM and one Planner seat. If we add more CMM's is it possible to have a machine tab for each of the Cmms on the Planner seat complete with probe rack and probe configurations? Hypothetical at this point.
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Yes, you can create a machine tab for every type of machine you have. I've attached a sheet showing how to set up a Contura RDS machine and a DuraMax for example. 120_7260f69458898f4b19add55d0d2a1b68.pdf
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Thanks Tom. I thought I would need to copy the config folder (or some parts of it) if I wanted to be able to utilize the different probe racks and probes, ETC?
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I suppose you could try that but it's not going to bring in the CAD configurations of your stylus systems. The use of Stylus System Creator (found under Planner) is required for that. There may be some others on the forum who have other experiences.
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What is the use of the Export function in the stylus system manager? All these probe configurations were built at the cmm prior to obtaining the planner seat. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a .pcf to .ssc converter, almost all the data is there. The .pcf files work fine to program to, but are of no value for collision detection. I was hoping there might be an easier way to get there from here.122_661b5ad576ec3680701cb96395f72574.jpg
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The export function is useful if you have multiple CMM's and want to share the configuration of your probes between them.

Shared programs across multiple machines requires probes that are defined the same, this provides a way to export them from one machine to another since the machine itself will use the .pcf files not the .ssc files.

Essentially you need to build your probes as .ssc files for use in simulation / planner, and you need the .pcf files to import into the machine itself.

When I program offline, my workflow is as follows..

(on offline / planner seat)
Determine if a new probe is actual needed..
If it is, then create it in Stylus System Creator..
Once completed in Stylus System Creator save as .ssc file on network
Import .ssc file into simulation / offline planner seat
export probe as .pcf file which is saved to network location

(on cmm)
import .pcf file from network
build phsyical probe based on configuration in .ssc file.
calibrate ..
check parts

Alternatively, sometimes a probe will be created at the machine that was not made in stylus system creator.
In those cases, the .pcf file is still exported to be saved on the network so the probe can be used on other machines if necessary, but to be honest this is rarely done unless its some emergency, since its always best to have .ssc files for all probes.
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I realized after I posted, I never replied to the other part of your post, unfortunately it would be impossible to make .ssc files from .pcf files.

.pcf files contain the probe calibration information, which is limited to the locations of the probe tips in relation to the position of the master probe tip when the probes are in the head as well as the the direction of the probe axis and the size of the probe tip, and the settings used during calibration.

The thing the .pcf files do not contain is how the probe tips are held apart from one another.

For instance imagine a simple probe with 1 tip pointing straight down, the system would have to 'guess' what made up the connecting parts.

One such probe might use a 100mm extension 11mm in diameter, another might be 20mm in diameter, and someone might have need to create something custom that was curved to avoid some feature on a given part.

In short it would be impossible for the system to guess what the probe was based on the information in the .pcf files, and having the files be correct is critical due to the use of the .ssc files to determine if collisions will happen or not.

Unfortunately when found in the situation you are (where I was years ago) with a library of existing probes and no .ssc files the only answer is to bite the bullet, grab an extra large coffee and begin making .ssc files.

One tip, if you have many that are very similar you can often make a component and use it on other stylus systems, so you don't end up have to go through every detail on each probe.
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Thanks for the response. I haven't tried too hard yet to build .ssc files, but I'll probably get real good at it here in the future.
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This is a common mistake of the "cart leading the horse". In a perfect world, all of the programs would be developed "offline" using Planner and Stylus System Creator, etc. Then, the program would be released to the floor where the final prove-out would take place. In so many situations, people don't start with Planner and then they find themselves in the same position you are in now.
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I have completed .ssc files for all the RDS/XXT stylus', but I can't seem to make the ones for the RDS/TP20 stylus'. I can add thru the adapter plate. The sensor seems to be missing from the component line up. it's a Reninshaw TP20. Maybe I don't know where to find it.
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In SSC, on left side, under component view, there is a Manufacturer dropdown list with Renishaw options. Not sure if that's what you were looking for. I have very little experience using these Renishaw options
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I just checked in the Renishaw section on 6.4 (Calypso 2017) and it has the Renishaw TP20 Sensor in there.

Keep in mind however, even if it wasn't in there, you can build a lot of stuff with the generic items that are available, and if you build a 'probe' with no adapter plate and save it as a .SSC you can then 're-use it by rightclicking on any empty location that is a part of the currently open stylus system and using 'Insert Stylus System Here'.

In my case I use this to create all of our different probe tips we use, so I only have to make them once.
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