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Shut down or Not


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I have a Contura running Calypso 2021. Usually the CMM stays running 24/7. I am wondering is it a good idea to power down every weekend? Once a month? What do you guys think?
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I actually shut down our Prismo Ultra every evening.
In the current discussion regarding the energy crisis, I don't think it is necessary for a system to consume electricity from 5:30 p.m. in the evening until 8:00 a.m. in the morning. So I can make a small contribution. I don't even want to know how many computers are running all the time in our company overnight.
Sure, a computer doesn't use much... but 20 per company, for every 1000 companies?

Perhaps we have become too lazy to shut down in the evening and start up the system again the next day. It takes so much time...

However, a reboot is carried out regularly, which perhaps prevents certain errors.

And since our Prismo unfortunately had to be showered with cooling water emulsion one weekend due to a burst pipe, I probably saved her life because she was switched off or had no electricity.

Attention: Was generated using Google translator.
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Personally, my preference is to shut down the entire system (CMM Controller and PC) over the weekend if it is not being used. If it is in use over the weekend and unable to be shut down, I would recommend a restart of the entire system each week. At a minimum I prefer a full shut down and restart at least once per month, and then a full shut down during any extended period of inactivity (holidays), as well as prior to any work being done in the area of the CMM that may deprive the CMM of power or air, particularly if the CMM does not have a backup power supply.

Martin, you should take a look at Calypso 2023, which includes air saver and power saver (air saver has been around for quite awhile, I would have to check if powersaver is new to '23 or if I have just missed it previously), which you may be interested in. 2915_e35fd5ae40417281fa40ff8b5386ee75.png
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Oh I would be very interested in Calypso 2023.

Unfortunately, the update costs SFr. 54'000.-

I have no chance to get the update...
Measuring and quality assurance is at the bottom of the food chain.
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Here is a document highlighting the changes introduced in 2023. If these are interesting to you, more detailed descriptions can be found in webinars in the ZEISS Academy section(https://portal.zeiss.com/academy/video-tube/imt) of the Portal

Perhaps it is enough to convince management, especially as 2023 is a serious leap forward.

Calypso 2023 Quick Highlights.docx

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In my experience management is always excited about great new features - until they're told about the costs. 😱
From then on you'll only hear one word: cost-effectiveness.
It all depends on whether your supervisor is on your side and has some talent in making the higher management drool. 🤣
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