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Generating plots based on results of measured features


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Is there a formula that can be used to force PiWeb to generate plots of features when they are non-conforming, that does not require a PCM license?

To simplify what I am asking, an example I will use is a print callout of a Ø12.000±.0002" ID with an allowed roundness of .0004". Is there a formula I can use that will spit out a form plot of that feature if either the size or form measures out of tolerance, but omits it if the part meets spec? I primarily run in-process parts during manufacturing and the data could be useful to the machinists.

We do not have any PCM licenses and I am not well versed in formulas except for some of the simpler ones, that are "allowed" to be used with a result element, without PCM enabled.
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Thanks! I had no idea that option was right in front of me, the whole time.

I'd love to take the Zeiss PiWeb course to really learn how to unlock the reporting power of the software...
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You can also put the same two PiWeb reports in the multiple reports window and enable different settings for each. Set one as a PDF output for storage and later review but do not display on-screen and set the "Exception Report" to display only but doesn't populate a PDF.

I can not recommend training enough. Calypso is a fantastic metrology software program but PiWeb is absolutely amazing for data storage and analytics. When you learn how to use it to even 10% of its potential you stop viewing characteristic data from inside Calypso. It is definitely the most under-rated piece of software that Zeiss offers.

Training for PiWeb is definitely my most suggested training course as PiWeb does not appear intuitive at first. Once you have a firm understanding of how it handles data and how you can use it, the whole world opens up. You'll never want to see a custom report again. With better than 99% success rate, those users that say they prefer Custom Reports have little knowledge on how to use PiWeb and once we show them even basic use, they never turn back.

Learning how to make a custom template and recalling measurement data at will is great but properly utilizing Trend_protocol and Process_protocol on their own are enough to justify any training.

The usefulness to those that do data entry, SPC or process control is mind blowing.

ZEISS classes (Live Online and Classroom format) can be signed up for online at:

https://www.zeiss.com/metrology/service ... donotcache

There are also some free E-Learnings and Tutorials in the Academy section of the Zeiss Portal that may pertain to Pi-Web as well.
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I'll offer a different perspective...

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So it's the customers fault they don't know how to use Piweb? That's an interesting take, sales pitch, and business approach. Why do you think Piweb is under rated? Maybe there's a reason for that.

When you FORCE people to pay more money for something they don't need you're going to create problems. And Piweb is not even remotely user friendly for the Everyman. And apparently Zeiss has removed the Custom Report from the new release.

So, you're forcing people to spend money, because you took away the Custom Report, and people spent a lot of time on creating and getting just right, and now you've thrown all that away. And you're asking customers to take a financial hit by forcing them to either pay for training or spend countless hours trying to rebuild something they already had. Again, interesting business approach.

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Again, it's the customers fault. Oh, those stupid customers. If only they knew what we know. 😱
Why should I have to pay for training when I'm not getting anything more than I already have?

Here's what Zeiss SHOULD have done... they should have designed a way to convert people's existing Custom Templates EXACTLY as they are to the PiWeb format, so that people that don't have any need for PiWeb don't lose time and money. 💡
Then you sell PiWeb on its merits, not force people to use it. You'd be surprised at how much people will push back when forced into a corner. That's just bad business, IMO.

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Oh those foolish customers. 🫣

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And those that don't?

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I checked those out. They didn't help much. They show just a tiny bit of basic information.

Zeiss has always had an elitist attitude towards its customers. And they only seem to fix things or help when they are forced to do so. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, I guess. Same as it ever was.

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Hey Jeff.

Speaking of training... I have actually been signed up on the PiWeb waitlist for quite some time. Also, I would much prefer in-person here in Minnesota over live online, because I would not be facing constant distractions from inside customers at my facility.

I am sure as far as human capital goes, Live online is easier for Zeiss to provide, but nothing beats in-person training at a Zeiss facility. Zeiss's trainers are literally the resource that opened doors for my career to expand. Feel free to advocate for more PiWeb training courses 😉.

Zeiss has made PiWeb the sole supported reporting format going forward, so Zeiss needs to provide enough training courses to get customers fluent in PiWeb, especially for report design.

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Hi Jeff,

I will look into the PiWeb training availability for you. It is a personal goal of mine to see PiWeb used at a higher level on average. I am not heavily involved with the department that is in charge of our US training curriculum but I am pretty sure that our PiWeb training course is only offered Live-Online and its source/instructors are from our Charlotte QEC. I understand wanting to be in person with our AE training staff, they are amazing at what they do. I know In-person is not out of the question but I can't make any promises, I will get back to you on that directly when I get some information on it.

Curiously, would being able to take the training course elsewhere (outside your lab/office) in a more preferable learning environment be of a benefit to you if it were possible?

I've attached the training overview documents that I have if you care to take a look. 4710_2b9acc0a03332a3e85d834ac5ec5d084.pdf
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It's not out of the question, but it would be a hard sell. "Well, if you're just sitting at home, you might as well be sitting here in your office" followed by "we'll tell everyone not to bother you too much" which we all know how well that works 🤣
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