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Measurement Plan Comment


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Ive been messing around with this for a while, and i cant get MS Photo which is my default photo viewer to launch right, but i did stumble on a usable glitch, it works just good enough for me to not search for a better way.

Open a batch file, if you need one i can probably attach one, but i think manually changing a .TXT file to .BAT will work.
start "ms-photo" "C:\Temp\Picture.jpg"

This command will open a picture in MS PAINT, not picture.
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You can use this to force open a file. Put it in the presettings to your program, pick your photo viewer of choice, in our case Irfan View ( it's very light, opens faster than windows photo viewer)
systemCallWithWait("C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view64.exe " +chr(34)+ getActualInspectionDir() + "\Loading.jpg"+chr(34))
So this goes to the program files and opens Irfan View, and the loading instruction photo that we save in the program directory, called "Loading.jpg". Our programs get moved machine to machine to it ends up being far easier to have the photo just as part of the measurement plan folder than having a separate photo library on each computer as we used to have.

To be extra modular we have that code in the inspection_start_pcm.txt file so it controls every program on the CMM, regardless of version.
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I hope this helps. Go to PLAN/MEASUREMENT RUN INFO FOR CNC START/SELECT then find your downloaded picture and load. I always write a comment in the measurement plan comment box as a reminder to click on user information tab to see the loaded picture of set up.
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I do that already. I would like the picture to display in the Measurement Plan Comment box above User
Information in autorun. That way the operators have no excuse about how to load/set-up the part.
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I commented earlier that you can force the User Information to open every time the measurement plan is executed.

In addition, if it's just a simple picture, I like to have that as the icon image for that measurement plan.
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So a couple suggestions for autorun.
as long as the picture doesn't need to be very detailed, say in order to get the operators to use one of two very different fixtures.
Save a picture as "icon.bmp" and drop it in the inspection folder of the part you are checking, the picture will automatically show in the upper left corner of the run window (see picture).
As for autorun pictures, save a picture and drop it in the inspection folder named "inspict.bmp", make sure it cropped very square, it will automatically load as the icon image when you open it in autorun.


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Here is how I imbed a pdf instruction into my calypso programs. The wording to select the file has changed in newer versions of the software to Plan / Measurement Run info for CNC Start, (guide needs to be updated) in AutoRun if the instructions are here they will pop up every time if you click the box in the CNC window of the pallet or program icon for Force Measurement Run Information at CNC Start. No PCM or anything needed.

Creating User Information.pdf

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